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Representative Publications (All from Google Scholar)

    1. Levine, M.; Vilis, T.; , 1973 On-line learning optimal control using successive approximation techniques, Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on , vol.18, no.3, pp. 279- 284, Jun PDF
    2. Vilis T, Hore J. 1977. Effects of changes in mechanical state of limb on cerebellar intention tremor. Journal of neurophysiology 40:1214-24 PDF
    3. Vilis T, Hore J. 1980. Central neural mechanisms contributing to cerebellar tremor produced by limb perturbations. Journal of neurophysiology 43:279-91 PDF
    4. Tweed D, Cadera W, Vilis T. 1990. Computing three-dimensional eye position quaternions and eye velocity from search coil signals. Vision research 30:97-110 PDF
    5. Crawford JD, Cadera W, Vilis T. 1991. Generation of torsional and vertical eye position signals by the interstitial nucleus of Cajal. Science (New York, N.Y 252:1551-3 PDF
    6. Mok D, Ro A, Cadera W, Crawford JD, Vilis T. 1992. Rotation of Listing's plane during vergence. Vision research 32:2055-64 PDF
    7. Crawford  JD,  Henriques DYP Vilis T. Curvature of visual space under vertical eye rotation:   Implications for spatial vision and visuomotor control.  Journal of Neuroscience 201: 2360-2368, 2000. PDF
    8. Connolly JD, Goodale MA, Desouza JF, Menon RS, Vilis T. A comparison of frontoparietal fMRI activation during anti-saccades and anti-pointing. J. Neurophysiology;84(3):1645-55. 2000
    9. DeSouza JF, Dukelow SP, Gati JS, Menon RS, Andersen RA, Vilis T. Eye position signal modulates a human parietal pointing region during memory-guided movements. Journal of Neuroscience 1;20(15):5835-40 2000. PDF
    10. Dukelow S, DeSouza J, Culham J, van den Berg AV, Menon R, Vilis T. Distinguishing Subregions of the Human MT1 Complex Using Visual Fields and Pursuit Eye Movements. J Neurophysiol 86: 1991–2000, 2001 PDF
    11. James F.M.K, Whitehead S,  Humphrey G.K, Banks M.S, Vilis T.  Eye Position Sense Contributes to the Judgement of Slant,. Vision Res. 41: 3447–3454, 2001 PDF
    12. Joseph F.X. DeSouza, Sean P. Dukelow and Tutis Vilis. Eye Position Signals Modulate Early Dorsal and Ventral Pathways. Cerebral Cortex. 12: 991-997, 2002 PDF
    13. Henriques DY, Crawford JD, Vilis T. The visuomotor transformation for arm movement accounts for 3-D eye orientation and retinal geometry. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 956:515-9. 2002 PDF
    14. Susanne Ferber, G. Keith Humphrey, Tutis Vilis. LOC subserves the perceptual persistence of motion-defined groupings. Cerebral Cortex 13(7):716-21, 2003. PDF
    15. W. P. Medendorp, H. C. Goltz, T. Vilis, J. D. Crawford. Gaze-centered Updating of Visual Space in Human Parietal Cortex. J. Neurosci. 23(15):6209-14 2003. PDF
    16. Goltz HC, DeSouza JFX, Menon RS, Tweed DB, Vilis T. Interaction of retinal image and eye velocity in motion perception. Neuron 39(3):569-76 2003. PDF
    17. Crawford JD, Tweed DB, and Vilis T. Static Ocular Counterroll is implemented through the 3-D Neural Integrator. J. of Neurophysiol., 90(4):2777-84 2003. PDF
    18. Niemeier M, Goltz HC, Kuchinad A, Tweed DB, Vilis T A contralateral preference in the lateral occipital area: sensory and attentional mechanisms. Cerebral Cortex, 15(3):325-31 2005 PDF
    19. Medendorp WP, Goltz HC, Crawford JD Vilis T Integration of target and effector information in human posterior parietal cortex for the planning of action. J. of Neurophysiol. Feb;93(2):954-62 2005 PDF
    20. Ferber S, Humphrey GK, Vilis T Segregation and persistence of form in the lateral occipital complex. Neuropsychologia.;43(1):41-51 2005 PDF
    21. Large ME, Aldcroft A, Vilis T. Perceptual continuity and the emergence of perceptual persistence in the ventral visual pathway. J. Neurophysiol. 93(6):3453-62. 2005 PDF
    22. Medendorp WP, Goltz HC, Vilis T. Remapping the remembered target location for anti-saccades in human posterior parietal cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 2005 Jul;94(1):734-40 PDF
    23. Medendorp WP, Goltz HC, Vilis T. Directional selectivity of BOLD activity in human posterior parietal cortex for memory-guided double-step saccades J. Neurophysiol. 2006 Mar;95(3):1645-55.PDF
    24. H.H.L.M. Goossens, S.P. Dukelow, R.S. Menon, T. Vilis,  A.V. van den Berg. Representation of head-centric flow in the human motion complex. J Neurosci. May 24;26(21):5616-27. 2006 PDF
    25. Mary-Ellen Large, Adrian Aldcroft, Tutis Vilis. Task related laterality effects in the lateral occipital complex. Brain Res  Jan 12;1128(1):130-8. 2007 PDF
    26. Fernandez-Ruiz J, Goltz HC, Desouza JF, Vilis T, Crawford JD. Human Parietal "Reach Region" Primarily Encodes Intrinsic Visual Direction, Not Extrinsic Movement Direction, in a Visual-Motor Dissociation Task. Cereb Cortex. 2007 Oct;17(10):2283-92. PDF
    27. Mary-Ellen Large, Jody Culham, Anil Kuchinad, Adrian Aldcroft, and Tutis Vilis. fMRI reveals greater within- than between-hemifield integration in the human lateral occipital cortex. European J. Neuroscience 27: 3299-3309, 2008 PDF
    28. Wong YJ, Aldcroft AJ, Large ME, Culham JC, and Vilis T. The Role of Temporal Synchrony as a Binding Cue for Visual Persistence in Early Visual Areas: An fMRI Study. Journal of neurophysiology 102: 3461-3468, 2009. PDF
    29. Strother L, Aldcroft A, Lavell C, Vilis T. Equal Degrees of Object Selectivity for Upper and Lower Visual Field Stimuli. Journal of Neurophysiology 104:2075-81, 2010.PDF
    30. Strother L, Mathuranath PS, Aldcroft A, Lavell C, Goodale MA, Vilis T. Face Inversion Reduces the Persistence of Global Form and its Neural Correlates. PLoS ONE 6(4): e18705. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018705, 2011 PDF
    31. Strother L, Lavell C, Vilis T. . Figure–Ground Representation and Its Decay in Primary Visual Cortex. Journal of cognitive neuroscience 24: 905-14 2012 PDF
    32. Strother L, Medendorp WP, Coros AM, Vilis T.. Double representation of the wrist and elbow in human motor cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience: 36: 3291-3298 2012 PDF